Big news. Full transparency.

Well, you might have noticed I/we have been quiet around here… and there's good reason! A lot is happening behind the scenes at Urbanic and I'm finally ready to fill you in...

Back Story
Last year, I came on with a corporate group that wanted to license the Urbanic brand with a complete product line. This was a dream come true for me! I have been wanting this for years. We began that process and, after months of working together, it became evident that I'd be losing more creative direction than I was comfortable with. It didn't feel right anymore, so we parted ways. No bridges burned — it just wasn't a good fit. Admittedly, I was crushed. How could something that was so exciting and seemingly perfect turn out to be such a disappointment?

Chapter One
I took all of that emotion and decided to channel it into creating something for our store. It was February and the perfect time for a mini Valentine's Day collection. We made 3 cards and 2 gift wrap sheets... and it was a hit! People loved it! This small success was the fuel I needed and confirmed to us that we had something special here.
Chapter Two
In March, our small team dove right back in to develop a full line. After months of nonstop (and fun!) work, we were finally ready to get our creations out into the world.
Just last week we launched URBANIC GOODS to the wholesale market!! This first release — Sunshine Days — is compiled of 6 card collections and a dozen gift wrap sheets. It has taken off really well and I'm so so happy to say that our goods will now be sold in amazing shops nationwide!

Following my heart was the right move. Not only was it amazing to get back to my creative roots but we needed an additional revenue stream for the business. Win, win, win!
Next Chapter
So now the question is: Can I do this new wholesale line AND keep the retail storefront? Funding Urbanic Goods while maintaining Urbanic Paper Boutique has been a huge financial undertaking, not to mention costly in time & attention. They do work beautifully together and I would really like to keep both. However, the reality is operating two businesses is becoming beyond my capabilities within the current framework.

This has brought me to see two paths forward: 1) Accept that the tides are changing and naturally close the retail doors so I can focus only on the wholesale line *OR* 2.) Explore the possibility of bringing in a partner who would like to join us in helping write Urbanic's next chapter.
+ + + + +
I'm posting this here to offer transparency but also because I want to keep this growth option front facing to the group of people that love Urbanic the most. You have been our bedrock for the last 18 years and I know how much a local shop means to a community.
So if you (or someone you know) might be this person or group that is interested in an investment partnership, please send me an email to start that conversation. We have a solid and scalable brand here that I believe has so much more to offer.
End Notes
I'm excited for this to unfold and reveal the full story. I have decided to trust the course no matter where it leads. I'm sure it is beautiful on the other side, too.
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom of this long letter. I promise to share more about Urbanic Goods very soon. To be continued...
PS. Randomly came across this song. At first, I laughed at the "kung fu panda" cuts about feeling like you suck. But then I became a little teary — how beautiful is this message? Maybe you'll find something in it too.